8 Simple and effective ways to get rid of cockroaches

Handling a situation with cockroaches can be daunting and haunting to most homeowners. It is because many people suffer from phobias of katsaridaphobia. The creepy feeling of crawling cockroaches can give you sleepless nights. We understand all those excuses of controlling your nature’s calls due to fear of an encounter with cockroaches. However, as a property owner, you must take actions to prevent cockroach invasions in your house. 

The same remedies can be followed by commercial property owners as well. If you have no time to follow the below tips, it would be wise to contact an experienced pest controller to handle the situation efficiently.

Follow these 8 simple remedies to prevent cockroaches:

  • Use boric acid:

Boric acid is one of the most workable methods to drive cockroaches away. Even dusting a small amount of boric acid will help you prevent cockroaches from your property. Take some boric acid or powder and read the instructions before using it on your floors and bathroom. It is because its toxicity can harm the humans and pets too.

  • Clear off trash cans:

Garbage and trash highly attract cockroaches. If you are tired of experiencing cockroaches lurking out of now where in your house, check if your garbage is cleared. It is one of the most favorite places for cockroaches in your house.

  • Sprinkle neem oil:

You may have heard of neem oil from your elders or experienced property owners that have dealt with cockroaches. Neem oil is an effective solution to drive these roaches crazy. The bitter and strong smell of neem does not attract them at all and they wish to relocate anyhow.

  • Make use of citrus smell:

Citrus smell is another effective as well as safe remedy for cockroach prevention. The other powerful components present in Neem oil suffocate the cockroaches and force them to succumb or leave the property at the earliest. As long as the neem oil smell is effective and working, you wouldn’t see these little creatures at your base.

  • Combine baking soda and sugar:

A combination of baking soda and sugar act like a bait to warn cockroaches away. Mixing equal parts of baking soda and sugar and sprinkling the mixture on cockroach affected areas will help you prevent them from coming again. It is a direct warning to them to stay away from your property.

  • Install bay leaves:

Bay leaves are also a natural barrier for cockroaches. Spread a few bay leaves in your pantry, kitchen sink, bathroom area, and other corners where you fear presence of cockroaches. These little creatures enter from gaps of windows and doors. Some can even fly directly into your house. Using these leaves ensure no fear of cockroaches.

  • Burn essential oils:

Burning essential oils and herbs can make these cockroaches crazy to tolerate the smell. A few effective oils helpful to keep cockroaches away are peppermint, eucalyptus, and more… To dilute the oil you may pour a few drops in water and spray it gently on the cockroach prone areas in and around your house.

  • Use vinegar:

Vinegar is also an effective solution to kill several pests naturally. Mix equal portion of vinegar with water and spray or sprinkle these in several corners of your house. The strong and pungent smell of vinegar is unbearable for the cockroaches. For an effective solution, use white or clear vinegar.


Other than the above home remedies, there are several pest control service companies to take care of your fears, phobias, and pest presence. Reach out Romneypestcontrol.com

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